Now referred to as the Quad. Not referring to his golf swing but could have been. Recently seen fratanizing with Wiiiings’s Al Queda partner.
It’s 4X, not 4 Eggs! But perhaps this underdog will hatch a plot to surprise the Dairnfern Daisies. He’s looking to boil a few ego’s, crack some drives down the middle, scramble some pars and generally provide some eggciting golf!
Now referred to as the Quad. Not referring to his golf swing but could have been. Recently seen fratanizing with Wiiiings’s Al Queda partner.
It’s 4X, not 4 Eggs! But perhaps this underdog will hatch a plot to surprise the Dairnfern Daisies. He’s looking to boil a few ego’s, crack some drives down the middle, scramble some pars and generally provide some eggciting golf!